Over the years I’ve told this story, maybe dozens of times. Or some version of it. It didn’t originate with me, but I don’t remember where I first heard it. That really doesn’t matter. What matters is the point of the story.
Joanie and Jane were lifelong friends. Having grown up together in the same small town, sat next to each other in the same small school, attended Sunday School, and worshipped at the same country church. Often they spent the night at each other’s home. They were best friends, and most everybody knew it.
One day, in the blink of an eye, things began to change. Joanie had determined to go to college to prepare for a career in education. Jane, on the other hand, preferred to stay at home in their small town, maybe get a job at the local grocery store. The day came for Joanie to leave and the two had lunch together. Oh my how the tears flowed down each other’s cheeks as they considered the loss of each other’s company. Right then and there they pledged that, no matter what, no distance, nothing would destroy their friendship.
Joanie stayed in contact with Jane, but with the heavy load of studies and school activities the conversations became fewer and farther between. Jane understood, at least in her head, why Joanie wasn’t able to be “friends” like they had always been, but it still hurt her.
Finally, Joanie was coming home from school for a break. Jane was excited. It would be just like old times. It was Sunday morning, and Jane was looking forward to seeing Joanie in church. The 11:00 hour had arrived, but no Joanie. Jane knew she should have her mind on worship, but kept looking around with every single noise. At last the door opened and in walked Joanie. Rather than walk up the aisle to sit with Jane, she took her seat in the back. As soon as the pastor gave the benediction, Jane rushed to see her friend. How totally shocked was she that, to her surprise, Joanie tilted her head back, sniffed, and headed for the door. Not even acknowledging her life-long friend. Jane was crushed! How could Joanie treat her this way? ………….to be continued.